JOTWANI ASSOCIATES is a top Indian law firm based in New Delhi, India having international clientele in the jurisdiction of United States, Canada, Australia, India, England, Europe, Singapore, China and Japan. It caters to almost all important facets of laws in these jurisdictions and specializes in Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Corporate Laws, Designs, Litigation (Civil & Criminal) in Indian courts, Government Relations & Policy.

We are team of professionally managed by 42 Attorneys, providing global legal services on 24 x 7 basis.

The underlying belief of the firm is to provide incredibly high-quality fast services at a low cost. A timely right advice could save a lot of time, efforts and costs for a client. This is where the firm utilizes its expertise and experience in creating value for its clients.

The firm takes a pride in declaring that it gets huge repetitive work from its existing clients. The parameters for success at the firm are measured in terms repetition of clients in engaging the services again and again. And the firm attributes it’s success to its fundamental policy of growth of its members and associates. They are the prized possession and foundation of the firm in its unbridled fast growth. 

High technology Information Technology tools are quintessential for the growth of our Global practice. The firm has experience and expertise in providing its worldwide clients with high-end quality legal services from its office in India. The procedures of communications with the client are very well thought of in advance. Every stage and scope of work is well-defined and made known to the client, well in advance.