Trademark registration is an important process and part and parcel of doing business freely in India. In order to help you conduct your business in an ethical manner and keep yourself away from any unwanted malpractices that may hamper your business, trademark registration is mandatory in order to help you to do your business freely without any difficulties.


As a service, we provide you with the following:

  • Free Trademark Search for your Mark
  • File TM Application in 1 business day in India
  • Easy Payment Options
  • Mark to be registered (you may attach a logo or image or just write the text)::
  • What is the nature of the business on which the mark will be used (for example, Restaurant, Shop, Jewellery, Call Center, Software, etc)::

Thank you for contacting Jotwani Associates. Our Business Representative will contact you within 2-hrs on a Weekday and within 8-hrs on a Weekend.

More Information about Jotwani Associates Trademark Services: An active member of INTA, Jotwani Associates files, prosecutes, Opposes, Litigates and Watches for some of the important and famous Trademarks/ Brand-names across the world. We have obtained several Trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark Office- USPTO, Europe, Singapore, Australia, Canada and many more countries.

Trademark infringement suits can be expensive and time-consuming. We provide Pre-Litigation Legal Opinions to companies about their success and failure rates in India Courts as per the prevailing law.